

Understanding the WELL Building Standard

  • date
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    The Mart, 14th Floor, Room 1447
  • Fee $125

“Understanding the WELL Building Standard” is a half-day workshop designed to introduce the intent, key elements and requirements of the WELL Building Standard, the world’s first building standard focused exclusively on the health and wellness of the people in the buildings.

Attendees will learn how to harness the built environment as a vehicle to support human health, well-being, and comfort. The ideology, structure, and certification process of the WELL program are covered in-depth, as well as the health basis for each Feature. Strategies for improving the nutrition, fitness, mood, sleep patterns, and performance of occupants through design and construction practices are explored in detail. WELL case studies are also highlighted.

The WELL Workshop – helps building professionals and owners understand their role as public health practitioners. It also helps medical professionals understand the critical role that the built environment plays in the health and well-being of occupants.
For those seeking to become WELL Accredited Professionals (WELL APs), this workshop helps to prepare for the WELL AP exam.

Learning Objectives:
- Identify the purpose, key components, and structure of the WELL Building Standard
- Discuss the health basis for the Concepts and Features of the WELL Building Standard
- Understand successful strategies for meeting the requirements of the WELL Features
- Learn about WELL resources and how to become a WELL Accredited Professional

Whitney Austin Gray
Senior Vice President of Business Development, Delos

Natasha Franck, LEED Green Associate
Senior Vice President of Business Development, Delos

Peter B. Smith, Provisional WELL AP, LEED AP Homes, 
Vice President, Delos 

For more information and to register click here 

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